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S — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
save(file:String) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Data
Overwrites the file with the current data.
saveToString(columnSep:String, rowSep:String) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Saves the Tilemap tile index data to a string.
saveToString(columnSep:String, rowSep:String) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
Saves the grid data to a string.
scale(value:Number, min:Number, max:Number, min2:Number, max2:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Transfers a value from one scale to another scale.
scale — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Scale factor of the screen.
scale — Property, class net.flashpunk.Tween
The current time scale of the Tween (after easer has been applied).
scale — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Scale of the image, affects both x and y scale.
scaleClamp(value:Number, min:Number, max:Number, min2:Number, max2:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Transfers a value from one scale to another scale, but clamps the return value within the second scale.
scaledHeight — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
The scaled height of the image.
scaledHeight — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
The scaled height of the text.
scaledWidth — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
The scaled width of the image.
scaledWidth — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
The scaled width of the text.
scaleX — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
X scale of the screen.
scaleX — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
X scale of the image.
scaleY — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Y scale of the screen.
scaleY — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Y scale of the image.
screen — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.FP
The Screen object, use to transform or offset the Screen.
Screen — class, package net.flashpunk
Container for the main screen buffer.
Screen() — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.Screen
scrollX — Property, class net.flashpunk.Graphic
X scrollfactor, effects how much the camera offsets the drawn graphic.
scrollY — Property, class net.flashpunk.Graphic
Y scrollfactor, effects how much the camera offsets the drawn graphic.
sendBackward(e:net.flashpunk:Entity) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Shifts the Entity one place towards the back of its contained layer.
sendToBack(e:net.flashpunk:Entity) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Sends the Entity to the back of its contained layer.
setAlpha(name:String, start:Number, finish:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Emitter
Sets the alpha range of the particle type.
setAlpha(start:Number, finish:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.ParticleType
Sets the alpha range of this particle type.
setAnimFrame(name:String, index:int) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Sets the frame to the frame index of an animation.
setCamera(x:Number, y:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Sets the camera position.
setColor(name:String, start:uint, finish:uint, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Emitter
Sets the color range of the particle type.
setColor(start:uint, finish:uint, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.ParticleType
Sets the color range of this particle type.
setFrame(column:uint, row:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Sets the current display frame based on the column and row of the source image.
setGravity(name:String, gravity:Number, gravityRange:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Emitter
Sets the gravity range for a particle type.
setGravity(gravity:Number, gravityRange:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.ParticleType
Sets the gravity range of this particle type.
setHitbox(width:int, height:int, originX:int, originY:int) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Sets the Entity's hitbox properties.
setHitboxTo(o:Object) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Sets the Entity's hitbox to match that of the provided object.
setMotion(name:String, angle:Number, distance:Number, duration:Number, angleRange:Number, distanceRange:Number, durationRange:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Emitter
Defines the motion range for a particle type.
setMotion(angle:Number, distance:Number, duration:Number, angleRange:Number, distanceRange:Number, durationRange:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.ParticleType
Defines the motion range for this particle type.
setMotion(centerX:Number, centerY:Number, radius:Number, angle:Number, clockwise:Boolean, duration:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.CircularMotion
Starts moving along a circle.
setMotion(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, aX:Number, aY:Number, bX:Number, bY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.CubicMotion
Starts moving along the curve.
setMotion(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.LinearMotion
Starts moving along a line.
setMotion(duration:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.LinearPath
Starts moving along the path.
setMotion(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, controlX:Number, controlY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.QuadMotion
Starts moving along the curve.
setMotion(duration:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.QuadPath
Starts moving along the path.
setMotionSpeed(centerX:Number, centerY:Number, radius:Number, angle:Number, clockwise:Boolean, speed:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.CircularMotion
Starts moving along a circle at the speed.
setMotionSpeed(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, speed:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.LinearMotion
Starts moving along a line at the speed.
setMotionSpeed(speed:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.LinearPath
Starts moving along the path at the speed.
setMotionSpeed(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, controlX:Number, controlY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, speed:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.QuadMotion
Starts moving along the curve at the speed.
setMotionSpeed(speed:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.QuadPath
Starts moving along the path at the speed.
setMotionVector(x:Number, y:Number, duration:Number, durationRange:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.ParticleType
Defines the motion range for this particle type based on the vector.
setOffset(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.TiledImage
Sets the texture offset.
setOffset(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.TiledSpritemap
Sets the texture offset.
setOrigin(x:int, y:int) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Sets the origin of the Entity.
setPan(type:String, pan:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.Sfx
Set the global pan for a type.
setPixel(x:int, y:int, color:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Canvas
setRect(column:uint, row:uint, width:uint, height:uint, index:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Sets a rectangular region of tiles to the index.
setRect(column:uint, row:uint, width:int, height:int, solid:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
Sets the value of a rectangle region of tiles.
setRectOutline(x:int, y:int, width:int, height:int, id:int) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Draws an outline of a rectangle of tiles
setRotation(name:String, startAngle:Number, spanAngle:Number, startAngleRange:Number, spanAngleRange:Number, smooth:Boolean, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Emitter
Defines the rotation range for a particle type.
setRotation(startAngle:Number, spanAngle:Number, startAngleRange:Number, spanAngleRange:Number, smooth:Boolean, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.ParticleType
Defines the rotation range for this particle type.
setSource(source:any, frameWidth:uint, frameHeight:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Emitter
Changes the source image to use for newly added particle types.
setStageProperties() — method, class net.flashpunk.Engine
Sets the game's stage properties.
setStyle(tagName:String, params:any) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
Set the style for a subset of the text, for use with the richText property.
setTarget(target:flash.display:BitmapData, camera:flash.geom:Point, blend:String) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Sets the drawing target for Draw functions.
setTextProperty(name:String, value:any) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
Set TextField or TextFormat property returns true on success and false if property not found on either
setTile(column:uint, row:uint, index:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Sets the index of the tile at the position.
setTile(column:uint, row:uint, solid:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
Sets the value of the tile.
setVolume(type:String, volume:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.Sfx
Set the global volume for a type.
sfx — Property, class net.flashpunk.tweens.sound.SfxFader
The current Sfx this object is effecting.
Sfx — class, package net.flashpunk
Sound effect object used to play embedded sounds.
Sfx(source:any, complete:Function, type:String) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.Sfx
Creates a sound effect from an embedded source.
SfxFader — class, package net.flashpunk.tweens.sound
Sound effect fader.
SfxFader(sfx:net.flashpunk:Sfx, complete:Function, type:uint) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.tweens.sound.SfxFader
shift(x:int, y:int) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Canvas
Shifts the canvas' pixels by the offset.
SHIFT — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
shiftTiles(columns:int, rows:int, wrap:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Shifts all the tiles in the tilemap.
shuffle(a:Object) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Shuffles the elements in the array.
sign(value:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Finds the sign of the provided value.
sineIn(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Sine in.
sineInOut(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Sine in and out.
sineOut(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Sine out.
_size — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
size — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
The font size to assign to new Text objects.
smooth — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
If the image should be drawn transformed with pixel smoothing.
smoothing — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Whether screen smoothing should be used or not.
sort(object:Object, ascending:Boolean) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Sorts the elements in the array.
sortBy(object:Object, property:String, ascending:Boolean) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Sorts the elements in the array by a property of the element.
source — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
source — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Stamp
Source BitmapData image.
SPACE — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
Spritemap — class, package net.flashpunk.graphics
Performance-optimized animated Image.
Spritemap(source:any, frameWidth:uint, frameHeight:uint, callback:Function) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Stamp — class, package net.flashpunk.graphics
A simple non-transformed, non-animated graphic.
Stamp(source:any, x:int, y:int) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Stamp
start() — method, class net.flashpunk.Tween
Starts the Tween, or restarts it if it's currently running.
stepTowards(object:Object, x:Number, y:Number, distance:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Steps the object towards a point.
stop() — method, class net.flashpunk.Sfx
Stops the sound if it is currently playing.
_styles — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
swap(current:any, a:any, b:any) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Swaps the current item between a and b.
swap() — method, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Swaps screen buffers.
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