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C — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
callback — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Optional callback function for animation end.
camera — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.FP
Point used to determine drawing offset in the render loop.
camera — Property, class net.flashpunk.World
Point used to determine drawing offset in the render loop.
cancel() — method, class net.flashpunk.Tween
Immediately stops the Tween and removes it from its Tweener without calling the complete callback.
Canvas — class, package net.flashpunk.graphics
A multi-purpose drawing canvas, can be sized beyond the normal Flash BitmapData limits.
Canvas(width:uint, height:uint) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Canvas
CAPS_LOCK — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
capture() — method, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Captures the current screen as an Image object.
centerOO() — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Centers the Image's originX/Y to its center.
centerOrigin() — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Center's the Entity's origin (half width & height).
centerOrigin() — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Centers the Image's originX/Y to its center.
centerOrigin() — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.PreRotation
centerX — Property, class net.flashpunk.Entity
The center x position of the Entity's hitbox.
centerY — Property, class net.flashpunk.Entity
The center y position of the Entity's hitbox.
check(input:any) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the input or key is held down.
children — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Graphiclist
All Graphics in this list.
choose(... rest) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Randomly chooses and returns one of the provided values.
circIn(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Circle in.
circInOut(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Circle in and out.
circle(x:int, y:int, radius:int, color:uint) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Draws a non-filled, pixelated circle.
circlePlus(x:Number, y:Number, radius:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, fill:Boolean, thick:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Draws a circle to the screen.
circOut(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Circle out.
CircularMotion — class, package net.flashpunk.tweens.motion
Determines a circular motion.
CircularMotion(complete:Function, type:uint) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.CircularMotion
circumference — Property, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.CircularMotion
The circumference of the current circle motion.
clamp(value:Number, min:Number, max:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Clamps the value within the minimum and maximum values.
clampHorizontal(left:Number, right:Number, padding:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Clamps the Entity's hitbox on the x-axis.
clampInRect(object:Object, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, padding:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Clamps the object inside the rectangle.
clampVertical(top:Number, bottom:Number, padding:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Clamps the Entity's hitbox on the y axis.
_class — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
classCount(c:Class) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Returns the amount of Entities of the Class are in the World.
classFirst(c:Class) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
The first Entity of the Class.
clear() — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Clears the image buffer.
clear() — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
Clears all input states.
clearBitmapCache() — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Clears the cache of BitmapData objects used by the getBitmap method.
clearRect(column:uint, row:uint, width:uint, height:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Clears the rectangular region of tiles.
clearRect(column:uint, row:uint, width:int, height:int) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
Makes the rectangular region of tiles non-solid.
clearRecycled(classType:Class) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.World
Clears stored recycled Entities of the Class type.
clearRecycledAll() — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.World
Clears stored recycled Entities of all Class types.
clearTile(column:uint, row:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Clears the tile at the position.
clearTile(column:uint, row:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
Makes the tile non-solid.
clearTweens() — method, class net.flashpunk.Tweener
Removes all Tweens.
clipRect — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Clipping rectangle for the image.
clipRect — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Clipping rectangle for the spritemap.
collidable — Property, class net.flashpunk.Entity
If the Entity should respond to collision checks.
collide(type:String, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Checks for a collision against an Entity type.
collide(mask:net.flashpunk:Mask) — method, class net.flashpunk.Mask
Checks for collision with another Mask.
collideInto(type:String, x:Number, y:Number, array:Object) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Populates an array with all collided Entities of a type.
collideLine(type:String, fromX:int, fromY:int, toX:int, toY:int, precision:uint, p:flash.geom:Point) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Returns the first Entity found that collides with the line.
collidePoint(x:Number, y:Number, pX:Number, pY:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Checks if this Entity overlaps the specified position.
collidePoint(type:String, pX:Number, pY:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Returns the first Entity found that collides with the position.
collidePointInto(type:String, pX:Number, pY:Number, into:Object) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Populates an array with all Entities that collide with the position.
collideRect(x:Number, y:Number, rX:Number, rY:Number, rWidth:Number, rHeight:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Checks if this Entity overlaps the specified rectangle.
collideRect(type:String, rX:Number, rY:Number, rWidth:Number, rHeight:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Returns the first Entity that collides with the rectangular area.
collideRectInto(type:String, rX:Number, rY:Number, rWidth:Number, rHeight:Number, into:Object) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Populates an array with all Entities that collide with the rectangle.
collideTypes(types:Object, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Checks for collision against multiple Entity types.
collideTypesInto(types:Object, x:Number, y:Number, array:Object) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Populates an array with all collided Entities of multiple types.
collideWith(e:net.flashpunk:Entity, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Checks if this Entity collides with a specific Entity.
color — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Refresh color of the screen.
color — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Canvas
The tinted color of the Canvas.
_color — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
color — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
The tinted color of the Image.
color — Property, class net.flashpunk.tweens.misc.ColorTween
The current color.
colorLerp(fromColor:uint, toColor:uint, t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Linear interpolation between two colors.
_colorTransform — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
ColorTween — class, package net.flashpunk.tweens.misc
Tweens a color's red, green, and blue properties independently.
ColorTween(complete:Function, type:uint) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.tweens.misc.ColorTween
columns — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Columns in the Spritemap.
columns — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
How many columns the tilemap has.
columns — Property, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
How many columns the grid has
COMMAND — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
complete — Property, class net.flashpunk.Sfx
Optional callback function for when the sound finishes playing.
complete — Property, class net.flashpunk.Tween
Tween completion callback.
complete — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
If the animation has stopped.
console — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.FP
The global Console object.
Console — class, package net.flashpunk.debug
FlashPunk debug console; can use to log information or pause the game and view/move Entities and step the frame.
Console() — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.debug.Console
CONTROL — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
copyPixels(source:flash.display:BitmapData, rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, alphaBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, alphaPoint:flash.geom:Point, mergeAlpha:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Canvas
Mimics BitmapData's copyPixels method.
count — Property, class net.flashpunk.World
How many Entities are in the World.
count — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Graphiclist
Amount of Graphics in this list.
count — Property, class net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist
Amount of Masks in the list.
create(classType:Class, addToWorld:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Returns a new Entity, or a stored recycled Entity if one exists.
createCircle(radius:uint, color:uint, alpha:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Creates a new circle Image.
createGradient(width:uint, height:uint, fromX:Number, fromY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, fromColor:uint, toColor:uint, fromAlpha:Number, toAlpha:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Creates a new gradient Image.
createGrid(solidTiles:Array, gridInput:any) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
Create or initialise a Grid object from this tilemap.
createRect(width:uint, height:uint, color:uint, alpha:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
Creates a new rectangle Image.
createRect(width:uint, height:uint, color:uint, alpha:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.graphics.Stamp
Creates a new rectangle Stamp.
crossFade(play:net.flashpunk:Sfx, loop:Boolean, duration:Number, volume:Number, ease:Function) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.sound.SfxFader
Fades out the Sfx, while also playing and fading in a replacement Sfx.
cubeIn(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Cubic in.
cubeInOut(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Cubic in and out.
cubeOut(t:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Ease
Cubic out.
CubicMotion — class, package net.flashpunk.tweens.motion
Determines motion along a cubic curve.
CubicMotion(complete:Function, type:uint) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.CubicMotion
currentAnim — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
The currently playing animation.
curve(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, x3:Number, y3:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, thick:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Draws a quadratic curve.
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