Package | net.flashpunk.utils |
Class | public class Draw |
Inheritance | Draw ![]() |
Property | Defined By | ||
blend : String [static]
The blending mode used by Draw functions. | Draw |
Method | Defined By | ||
circle(x:int, y:int, radius:int, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF):void [static]
Draws a non-filled, pixelated circle. | Draw | ||
circlePlus(x:Number, y:Number, radius:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, fill:Boolean = true, thick:Number = 1):void [static]
Draws a circle to the screen. | Draw | ||
curve(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, x3:Number, y3:Number, color:uint = 0, alpha:Number = 1, thick:Number = 1):void [static]
Draws a quadratic curve. | Draw | ||
ellipse(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, fill:Boolean = true, thick:Number = 1, angle:Number = 0):void [static]
Draws an ellipse to the screen. | Draw | ||
Draws an Entity object. | Draw | ||
Draws a graphic object. | Draw | ||
Draws the Entity's hitbox. | Draw | ||
line(x1:int, y1:int, x2:int, y2:int, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, overwriteAlpha:Number = 1.0):void [static]
Draws a pixelated, non-antialiased line. | Draw | ||
linePlus(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, color:uint = 0xFF000000, alpha:Number = 1, thick:Number = 1):void [static]
Draws a smooth, antialiased line with optional alpha and thickness. | Draw | ||
rect(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, overwrite:Boolean = false):void [static]
Draws a filled rectangle. | Draw | ||
rectPlus(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, fill:Boolean = true, thick:Number = 1, radius:Number = 0):void [static]
Draws a rectangle. | Draw | ||
resetTarget():void [static]
Resets the drawing target to the default. | Draw | ||
setTarget(target:BitmapData, camera:Point = null, blend:String = null):void [static]
Sets the drawing target for Draw functions. | Draw | ||
text(text:String, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, options:Object = null):void [static]
Draws text. | Draw |
blend | property |
public static var blend:String
The blending mode used by Draw functions. This will not apply to Draw.line() or, but will apply to Draw.linePlus() and Draw.circlePlus().
circle | () | method |
public static function circle(x:int, y:int, radius:int, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF):void
Draws a non-filled, pixelated circle.
x:int — Center x position.
| |
y:int — Center y position.
| |
radius:int — Radius of the circle.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the circle.
circlePlus | () | method |
public static function circlePlus(x:Number, y:Number, radius:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, fill:Boolean = true, thick:Number = 1):void
Draws a circle to the screen.
x:Number — X position of the circle's center.
| |
y:Number — Y position of the circle's center.
| |
radius:Number — Radius of the circle.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the circle.
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha of the circle.
| |
fill:Boolean (default = true ) — If the circle should be filled with the color (true) or just an outline (false).
| |
thick:Number (default = 1 ) — How thick the outline should be (only applicable when fill = false).
curve | () | method |
public static function curve(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, x3:Number, y3:Number, color:uint = 0, alpha:Number = 1, thick:Number = 1):void
Draws a quadratic curve.
x1:Number — X start.
| |
y1:Number — Y start.
| |
x2:Number — X control point, used to determine the curve.
| |
y2:Number — Y control point, used to determine the curve.
| |
x3:Number — X finish.
| |
y3:Number — Y finish.
| |
color:uint (default = 0 ) — Color of the curve
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha transparency.
| |
thick:Number (default = 1 )
ellipse | () | method |
public static function ellipse(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, fill:Boolean = true, thick:Number = 1, angle:Number = 0):void
Draws an ellipse to the screen.
x:Number — X position of the ellipse's center.
| |
y:Number — Y position of the ellipse's center.
| |
width:Number — Width of the ellipse.
| |
height:Number — Height of the ellipse.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the ellipse.
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha of the ellipse.
| |
fill:Boolean (default = true ) — If the ellipse should be filled with the color (true) or just an outline (false).
| |
thick:Number (default = 1 ) — How thick the outline should be (only applicable when fill = false).
| |
angle:Number (default = 0 ) — What angle (in degrees) the ellipse should be rotated.
entity | () | method |
public static function entity(e:Entity, x:int = 0, y:int = 0, addEntityPosition:Boolean = false):void
Draws an Entity object.
e:Entity — The Entity to draw.
| |
x:int (default = 0 ) — X position.
| |
y:int (default = 0 ) — Y position.
| |
addEntityPosition:Boolean (default = false ) — Adds the Entity's x and y position to the target position.
graphic | () | method |
public static function graphic(g:Graphic, x:int = 0, y:int = 0):void
Draws a graphic object.
g:Graphic — The Graphic to draw.
| |
x:int (default = 0 ) — X position.
| |
y:int (default = 0 ) — Y position.
hitbox | () | method |
public static function hitbox(e:Entity, outline:Boolean = true, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1):void
Draws the Entity's hitbox.
e:Entity — The Entity whose hitbox is to be drawn.
| |
outline:Boolean (default = true ) — If just the hitbox's outline should be drawn.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the hitbox.
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha of the hitbox.
line | () | method |
public static function line(x1:int, y1:int, x2:int, y2:int, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, overwriteAlpha:Number = 1.0):void
Draws a pixelated, non-antialiased line.
x1:int — Starting x position.
| |
y1:int — Starting y position.
| |
x2:int — Ending x position.
| |
y2:int — Ending y position.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the line.
| |
overwriteAlpha:Number (default = 1.0 ) — Alpha value written to these pixels: does NOT do blending. If you want to draw a semi-transparent line over some other content, you will have to either: A) use Draw.linePlus() or B) if non-antialiasing is important, render with Draw.line() to an intermediate buffer with transparency and then render that intermediate buffer.
linePlus | () | method |
public static function linePlus(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, color:uint = 0xFF000000, alpha:Number = 1, thick:Number = 1):void
Draws a smooth, antialiased line with optional alpha and thickness.
x1:Number — Starting x position.
| |
y1:Number — Starting y position.
| |
x2:Number — Ending x position.
| |
y2:Number — Ending y position.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFF000000 ) — Color of the line.
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha of the line.
| |
thick:Number (default = 1 ) — The thickness of the line.
rect | () | method |
public static function rect(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, overwrite:Boolean = false):void
Draws a filled rectangle.
x:Number — X position of the rectangle.
| |
y:Number — Y position of the rectangle.
| |
width:Number — Width of the rectangle.
| |
height:Number — Height of the rectangle.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the rectangle.
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha of the rectangle.
| |
overwrite:Boolean (default = false ) — If the color/alpha provided should replace the existing data rather than blend.
rectPlus | () | method |
public static function rectPlus(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1, fill:Boolean = true, thick:Number = 1, radius:Number = 0):void
Draws a rectangle.
x:Number — X position of the rectangle.
| |
y:Number — Y position of the rectangle.
| |
width:Number — Width of the rectangle.
| |
height:Number — Height of the rectangle.
| |
color:uint (default = 0xFFFFFF ) — Color of the rectangle.
| |
alpha:Number (default = 1 ) — Alpha of the rectangle.
| |
fill:Boolean (default = true ) — If the rectangle should be filled with the color (true) or just an outline (false).
| |
thick:Number (default = 1 ) — How thick the outline should be (only applicable when fill = false).
| |
radius:Number (default = 0 ) — Round rectangle corners by this amount.
resetTarget | () | method |
public static function resetTarget():void
Resets the drawing target to the default. The same as calling Draw.setTarget(FP.buffer,
setTarget | () | method |
public static function setTarget(target:BitmapData, camera:Point = null, blend:String = null):void
Sets the drawing target for Draw functions.
target:BitmapData — The buffer to draw to.
| |
camera:Point (default = null ) — The camera offset (use null for none).
| |
blend:String (default = null ) — The blend mode to use.
text | () | method |
public static function text(text:String, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, options:Object = null):void
Draws text.
text:String — The text to render.
| |
x:Number (default = 0 ) — X position.
| |
y:Number (default = 0 ) — Y position.
| |
options:Object (default = null ) — Options (see Text constructor).