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M — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
mask — Property, class net.flashpunk.Entity
An optional Mask component, used for specialized collision.
Mask — class, package net.flashpunk
Base class for Entity collision masks.
Mask() — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.Mask
Masklist — class, package net.flashpunk.masks
A Mask that can contain multiple Masks of one or various types.
Masklist(... rest) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist
_matrix — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Image
maxElapsed — Property, class net.flashpunk.Engine
Cap on the elapsed time (default at 30 FPS).
maxFrameSkip — Property, class net.flashpunk.Engine
The max amount of frames that can be skipped in fixed framerate mode.
Motion — class, package net.flashpunk.tweens.motion
Base class for motion Tweens.
Motion(duration:Number, complete:Function, type:uint, ease:Function) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.tweens.motion.Motion
mouseCursor — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
The mouse cursor.
mouseDown — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the mouse button is down.
mouseFlashX — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
The absolute mouse x position on the screen (unscaled).
mouseFlashY — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
The absolute mouse y position on the screen (unscaled).
mousePressed — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the mouse button was pressed this frame.
mouseReleased — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the mouse button was released this frame.
mouseUp — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the mouse button is up.
mouseWheel — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the mouse wheel was moved this frame.
mouseWheelDelta — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the mouse wheel was moved this frame, this was the delta.
mouseX — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
X position of the mouse on the screen.
mouseX — Property, class net.flashpunk.World
X position of the mouse in the World.
mouseX — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
X position of the mouse on the screen.
mouseY — Property, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Y position of the mouse on the screen.
mouseY — Property, class net.flashpunk.World
Y position of the mouse in the world.
mouseY — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
Y position of the mouse on the screen.
moveBy(x:Number, y:Number, solidType:Object, sweep:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Moves the Entity by the amount, retaining integer values for its x and y.
moveCollideX(e:net.flashpunk:Entity) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
When you collide with an Entity on the x-axis with moveTo() or moveBy().
moveCollideY(e:net.flashpunk:Entity) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
When you collide with an Entity on the y-axis with moveTo() or moveBy().
moveTo(x:Number, y:Number, solidType:Object, sweep:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Moves the Entity to the position, retaining integer values for its x and y.
moveTowards(x:Number, y:Number, amount:Number, solidType:Object, sweep:Boolean) — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Moves towards the target position, retaining integer values for its x and y.
MultiVarTween — class, package net.flashpunk.tweens.misc
Tweens multiple numeric public properties of an Object simultaneously.
MultiVarTween(complete:Function, type:uint) — Constructor, class net.flashpunk.tweens.misc.MultiVarTween
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