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R — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
rand(amount:uint) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Returns a pseudo-random uint.
randFrame() — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Assigns the Spritemap to a random frame.
random — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.FP
A pseudo-random Number produced using FP's random seed, where 0 <= Number < 1.
randomizeSeed() — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Randomizes the random seed using Flash's Math.random() function.
randomSeed — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.FP
The random seed used by FP's random functions.
rate — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.FP
Timescale applied to FP.elapsed.
rate — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Animation speed factor, alter this to speed up/slow down all animations.
readBool(name:String, defaultValue:Boolean) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Data
Reads a Boolean from the current data.
readInt(name:String, defaultValue:int) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Data
Reads an int from the current data.
readString(name:String, defaultValue:String) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Data
Reads a String from the current data.
readUint(name:String, defaultValue:uint) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Data
Reads a uint from the current data.
_rect — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Canvas
rect(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, overwrite:Boolean) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Draws a filled rectangle.
rectPlus(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, fill:Boolean, thick:Number, radius:Number) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Draws a rectangle.
recycle(e:net.flashpunk:Entity) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Removes the Entity from the World at the end of the frame and recycles it.
red — Property, class net.flashpunk.tweens.misc.ColorTween
Red value of the current color, from 0 to 255.
redraw() — method, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Redraws the screen.
refresh() — method, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Refreshes the screen.
relative — Property, class net.flashpunk.Graphic
If the graphic should render at its position relative to its parent Entity's position.
released(input:any) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Input
If the input or key was released this frame.
remaining — Property, class net.flashpunk.tweens.misc.Alarm
Time remaining on the alarm.
remove(array:any, toRemove:any) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Remove an element from an array
remove(e:net.flashpunk:Entity) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Removes the Entity from the World at the end of the frame.
remove(graphic:net.flashpunk:Graphic) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Graphiclist
Removes the Graphic from the list.
remove(mask:net.flashpunk:Mask) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist
Removes the Mask from the list.
removeAll() — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Removes all Entities from the World at the end of the frame.
removeAll() — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Graphiclist
Removes all Graphics from the list.
removeAll() — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist
Removes all Masks from the list.
removeAt(index:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Graphiclist
Removes the Graphic from the position in the list.
removeAt(index:uint) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist
Removes the Mask at the index.
removed() — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Override this, called when the Entity is removed from a World.
removeList(... rest) — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Removes multiple Entities from the world.
removeTween(t:net.flashpunk:Tween) — method, class net.flashpunk.Tweener
Removes a Tween.
render() — method, class net.flashpunk.Engine
Renders the game, rendering the World and Entities.
render() — method, class net.flashpunk.Entity
Renders the Entity.
render(target:flash.display:BitmapData, point:flash.geom:Point, camera:flash.geom:Point) — method, class net.flashpunk.Graphic
Renders the graphic to the screen buffer.
render() — method, class net.flashpunk.World
Performed by the game loop, renders all contained Entities.
renderDebug(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class net.flashpunk.Mask
Used to render debug information in console.
renderDebug(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
renderDebug(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist
Used to render debug information in console.
renderDebug(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class net.flashpunk.masks.Pixelmask
renderTarget — Property, class net.flashpunk.Entity
The BitmapData target to draw the Entity to.
reset(duration:Number) — method, class net.flashpunk.tweens.misc.Alarm
Sets the alarm.
resetCamera() — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Resets the camera position.
resetTarget() — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.utils.Draw
Resets the drawing target to the default.
resizable — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
If the text field can automatically resize if its contents grow.
resizable — Static Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
The resizable property to assign to new Text objects.
resize(width:int, height:int) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Resize the screen.
resize() — method, class net.flashpunk.Screen
Initialise buffers to current screen size.
resume() — method, class net.flashpunk.Sfx
Resumes the sound from the position stop() was called on it.
_richText — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
richText — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Text
Rich-text string with markup.
right — Property, class net.flashpunk.Entity
The rightmost position of the Entity's hitbox.
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET — Constant Static Property, class net.flashpunk.utils.Key
rotateAround(object:Object, anchor:Object, angle:Number, relative:Boolean) — Static Method , class net.flashpunk.FP
Rotates the object around the anchor by the specified amount.
rows — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Spritemap
Rows in the Spritemap.
rows — Property, class net.flashpunk.graphics.Tilemap
How many rows the tilemap has.
rows — Property, class net.flashpunk.masks.Grid
How many rows the grid has.
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